

How Many Steps?

Posted by Maximum Slim on May 9th 2023

How Many Steps?

Here's How Many Steps You ACTUALLY Need to Take Per Day to Lose Weight?Walking is one of the best forms of exercise out there. After all, it’s easy to do and requires no specific gear. Simply grab a pair of socks and your favorite shoe, your pet (if applicable) and head out the door, for a stroll. It’s healthy! Walking can strengthen your muscles, improve sleep, and best of all it is good for your heart. It can improve circulation and lower your blood pressure, and walking is low-impact, so it i … read more
Fat Flushing Foods

Posted by Maximum Slim on May 9th 2023

Fat Flushing Foods

If you're looking for ways to lose weight and get in shape, then you've probably come across the term "fat flushing foods". These are foods that are said to help boost your metabolism and promote weight loss by flushing out excess fat from your body. While there's no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss, incorporating these foods into your diet can certainly help you on your journey. In this blog, we are going to share with you 5 fat flushing foods.Grapefruit:This juicy citrus fruit i … read more
The Four Types of Eating

Posted by Maximum Slim on May 2nd 2023

The Four Types of Eating

Our relationship with food is a direct reflection of our relationship with life. If you struggle with your weight, body image, or eating habits just know that this is not a problem. All these conditions are symptoms of a problem that is trying to get your attention.And so, the more willing you are to take an honest look at yourself and your relationship with food, the more opportunities you will have to not only know yourself better but to make a change. Remember, we cannot change what … read more
Move Something! Mid-Year Refresh

Posted by Maximum Slim on Jun 29th 2022

Move Something! Mid-Year Refresh

It's Wellness Wednesday!We're back with another tip on how to LIVE WELL + Maximize your life from within. Today we're talking about the Mid-Year Refresh!  Now is just as good as any for a good 'ole RESTART.  The goal is always to live a healthier lifestyle! These are just a few tips to help you get started making subtle changes that matter. Let's dive in, but be sure to let us know which is your favorite!Can we let you in on a little secret?  It's never too late to start ove … read more
Ode to Dad: Maximum Slim staff shares a few "Dad" Moments.

Posted by Maximum Slim on Jun 22nd 2022

Ode to Dad: Maximum Slim staff shares a few "Dad" Moments.

It's Wellness Wednesday!We're back with another tip on how to LIVE WELL + Maximize your life from within. We're still celebrating Dads across the globe and wanted to share some of our fondest "Dad Moments" with you!  We're a close knit family here at Maximum Slim and what started out as a few reminiscent conversations of candor, turned into a wonderful way for us to further connect.  We thought we'd sharing our stories with you; in hopes that you would share some of your "Dad Mome … read more